Idol break!
Who do I want to win American Idol this season? Thanks for asking.
I pick either Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, or that guy with the grey/white hair.
So, basically I want the same thing as before with a female singer, but something new from a male singer.
I noticed the Kelly I'm referring to spells her name K-A-T-H-A-R-I-N-E. Not that she chose that or anything, at least I think she didn't. Next up: I change my name to D-A-Y-I-V. But if I do that I need to pick a foreign country that I'm from as well.
Fear and loathing.
No, this has nothing to do with Las Vegas.
Recently there was an open mike night about fear. People talked about their fears and such. Naturally people ad-libbed a line about being afraid of coming up and speaking in front of a crowd. Still got a laugh, though. In a way, that scares me.
The fear of the unknown will come up in my next post. However, the most common unknown thing to be afraid of is my topic right now. Death can be very scary for a number of reasons, but we all have to face it eventually. So I wonder why some people say "no" if asked whether or not they'd want to know when they're going to die.
I'd totally want to know when my number is coming up. For example, if I know at 18 that I was going to die at 20, would I go to college? Absolutely not. And what's else, it's kind of like a deadline. I tend to get more done with a deadline. Pretty much any student will agree in one way or another. Finally, do you just not want to ruin the surprise? It's like: Surprise! You're dead now! Who wants that to be a surprise? Furthermore, if you're afraid of something having it be a surprise isn't going to help.
That would be an interesting day, knowing you're going to die. You'll be looking at everything going "What's going to kill me?"
But the real point is one of my bigger fears. These fears come from reasing too many adventures. Let's say I do somehing amazing, or complete what turns out to be an incredible project. I threw the One Ring into the fires of Mordor, or whatever. Okay, I just did that, now what? Well, I could lie on the couch and eat some Fritos. Maybe do a few jumping jacks, I dunno.
I dunno = unknown segue.
People angry?
Beware of the power of good advice and positive thinking.
Someone else says: Be strong in your beliefs. Fight for what you know is right.
Me: Just like Hitler did?
Instant chaos.
More evidence?
Well, consider that there aren’t any mentions of Jesus and any woman that I’m aware of. Now consider that most of the men in the Old Testament before him had a wife and kids. Like Abraham and Moses. Abraham even used adultery as a weapon! But this was the start of something new, and evidence of straightness might have been edited out just like gay stuff might have been.
Now consider Adam and Eve. God hooked Adam up with a woman, that was awfully nice of him. How come he didn’t do the same thing for his own son? He could be like: “C’mere Jesus, and give me one of your ribs. There you go, I just made you a Jesette. Happy birthday!” Or maybe another immaculate conception. It’s called being a good father.
Jesus was gay?
Is it okay to suggest such a thing? It’ll probably piss someone off.
But yeah, walking around with 12 guys and 0 girls. Was he interested in girls at all? And why’d he change water into wine and not some other alcohol? Maybe because he knew it goes well with fish.
Anyway, the point I’d like to make which has nothing to do with Jesus and gayness is the literalization of language. Furthermore, every debate/argument that I see has an I’m right/you’re wrong kind of mentality. While it’s certainly understandable, it also means that the only way to convince anyone of anything is to beat them senseless. Usually the only attempt to understand the other side is just so you can find faults to destroy them with later.
Not only are many things in the Bible purposefully unclear, but it’s been edited several times.
Speaking of which, why not change Judas into a woman? It’d probably go well with all the other chauvinistic parts of the current Bible. Would that make Jesus look more gay or less gay?
If you think something is ridiculous, you should have some evidence to refute it. Otherwise, you’re just doing your best to block out everything.
Mr. Shit and Ms. Fuck
Now that the use of the words “Shit” and “Fuck” have become so common the impact of using those words is pretty much gone. Sure, people might tell you to watch your language and you still can’t say it on most of TV, but that seems like stubbornness to me. I mean, everyone knows what shit and fuck mean. There are several alternative ways to say these words, slang or no. And why are they so unmentionable? One you do as a result of eating which keeps you alive, the other is what gave you life in the first place.
So, in the face of all that, why are these words unspeakable? I can’t think of any good reasons, so I came up with a theory. Long ago there were two people: Mr. Shit and Ms. Fuck. But these people were so evil that saying their names would bring fear to people. Just like Voldemort.
And lo, those two people ruined great words with their evil ways. And now you know.