Todays symbol is: A forest burning.
Cuz, see, forests make oxygen. But in this case fire is killing it. Fire is fueled by - you guessed it - oxygen!
Thus it's like that snake that's eating it's own tail.
Now when you see a forest fire, think of the incredible symbolism!
Mom's birthday.
Happy Birthday Mom!
I'm too hot to think. And not in a good way.
I still hear my fans cheering, though. It's hard to sleep with constant wind but you get used to it.
Fans are good.
But now I have to put all my posters back on the wall.
Episode 3.
Not even my twisted mind is safe from Episode 3.
I guess I can't ask any questions that could spoil the movie for some people, so I'll just say that it was worth seeing. And not just worth seeing because everyone else will have seen it and you want to be able to be in the conversation. No, there's a lot to like with the exception of any Padme/Anakin love scenes.
One thing I have to say is that being a prequel ruins a lot of the excitement. Basically when Anakin/Obi Wan are fighting, a lot of the excitement and tension is ruined because you know both of them are going to live. Same thing when any two characters fight, really. You pretty much know what the outcome is beforehand. And it's not like a kung-fu movie where it really doesn't matter. Lightsaber battles, in spite of bright flashy lights, aren't that exciting anymore.
But yeah, go see. For the very least go so you can join in the conversations.
The good conspiracy.
Remember when you were younger and everything was perfect?
Well, perhaps your life hasn't been that great. And I certainly don't remember anything from when I was six or younger. But as I see it parents try to give their kids pretty much anything they want within reason. This isn't much of a surprise, parents want their kids to be happy.
However, when you're really young everyone else is in on it too. You go over to other parents, and they don't want to be the ones to introduce you to reality. Uncomfortable. So they go along with it and everything's perfect. Until you get older.
Now no one will help you out unless you can do something for them as well. Okay, that's kind of cynical, but they're certainly not going to give you anything because you're cute. Okay, that's wrong too, but you have to be pretty damn cute. Anyway, the point is we bring up our kids in a fantasy world only to make it crash at one point.
Wouldn't it be better to give the image that life sucks hard right away, only to find as you get older that everything is actually magical and wonderful? All we need is to do what we're already doing, only in reverse. There'd be a lot less crying.
What's that? Old people aren't cute?
Never mind.
I wanna be able to hibernate.
I think it'd be the greatest thing ever. Eat a whole bunch, and then sleep for three months. For the rest of the year, you'd only need like 2 hours of sleep or something like that. Think of how much more productive I'd be!
Quite frankly, I thought I'd have a lot more to say on this but I don't. I just like eating and sleeping a lot, and I find that 10 hours a day is simply a major inconvenience when I'm trying to do consistant work over a week or so.
Anyway, I'm hungry now. Gonna go eat then take a nap.
Writing is hard.
I like to think I'm writing for myself, but the truth is that's never the case. It's nice to say, but if I didn't have an audience in mind I don't think I'd write anything.
Now, curiously, the audience in question here can actually be myself. In this case, it may seem like I'm writing to myself, but I'm actually writing to whoever I was when I formed the idea.
If that didn't confuse you, then you can understand why anything I write must be constantly updated. Anything completed is simply something I stopped updating.
Looking back, I don't know who that guy was, but he's not too bright. Plus his focus is all off.
Those who know, live. Those who don't write. Anything I write I'm done with.
Remember that I might not believe anymore.
This is gross.
Really, don't read on if your stomach is squeamish.
Okay, so I took a sleeping pill, and I think it gave me indigestion. So I wanna get to sleep, but I've really got to go to the bathroom. So of course I have to get up and go, because the alternative has the risk of shitting myself in bed. No one needs to know, but I'd still be very disappointed with myself. However, now I'm at the risk of falling asleep on the toilet. This is even worse, as in this case people will know. It's a scary thought of the humiliation that would ensue if my roommate has to unlock the door to find me sleeping on the john while underneath me is...well I needn't get into that. Let's just say that I don't remember ingesting that much liquid.
So now you know the horror of sleeping pill indigestion. Fortunately I made most of that up. I never took a sleeping pill. I was just tired.
I guess this wasn't THAT gross. Sorry to all the sick people who wanted to be grossed out because of some mental thing associated with it.
Only you.
Only you know who you are.
Everyone else just knows who you were.
Moral semantics.
So it occurred to me the other day that if you spell "evil" backwards you get "live." How proper. And not "live" as in "right now" but "live" as in "rhymes with give."
So, to recap, Evil -> livE
To take this further...
Good -> dooG
I have no idea what this means but Neil Patrick Harris has a lot to answer for.
Give and take.
One one hand, I lost 6 doughnuts. On the other hand, ants won't be coming into my room anymore. At least, not the way they'd been coming in before.
On one hand, my electricity bill will probably increase. On the other hand, I now have cold sodas in my room!
On one hand, the play I'm writing that's due by May 30th is going very, very slowly. On the other hand... um... I do my best work on inspiration? This is no good.
Well, now things are making more sense. My inspiration is busted.
If you have AIM, AIM me and help me out with this.