Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The good conspiracy.

Remember when you were younger and everything was perfect?

Well, perhaps your life hasn't been that great. And I certainly don't remember anything from when I was six or younger. But as I see it parents try to give their kids pretty much anything they want within reason. This isn't much of a surprise, parents want their kids to be happy.

However, when you're really young everyone else is in on it too. You go over to other parents, and they don't want to be the ones to introduce you to reality. Uncomfortable. So they go along with it and everything's perfect. Until you get older.

Now no one will help you out unless you can do something for them as well. Okay, that's kind of cynical, but they're certainly not going to give you anything because you're cute. Okay, that's wrong too, but you have to be pretty damn cute. Anyway, the point is we bring up our kids in a fantasy world only to make it crash at one point.

Wouldn't it be better to give the image that life sucks hard right away, only to find as you get older that everything is actually magical and wonderful? All we need is to do what we're already doing, only in reverse. There'd be a lot less crying.

What's that? Old people aren't cute?

Never mind.


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