Yeah, and...
So I was watching TV like I always do and I'm wondering if, even with Tivo, I'll still watch commercials. Not only am I constantly thinking "Ma-na-ma-na" but I really enjoy advertizing strategies.
There's a dog food commercial with a dancing dog who's dancing because he really enjoys his dog food. Two guys, one of which is the dog's owner, discuss it. The other guy makes the point that his dog food is nutritious, while the dancing dog's owner say's that's true, but this dog food is also delicious.
Dog food isn't exactly your kid's cereal/bread. I wonder how many people have followed the ad and bought the dog food because they think their dog will like the taste. I've seen dogs eat shit. Literally eat shit. I have never seen a dog reject food beause of it's taste.
On the other hand, perhaps there are some prissy cat-like dogs that will only eat a certain type of food. But if this is the case, I doubt they'd ever dance.
More of the same.
Is it easier to think of yourself as a loser or is it easier to think of someone else as a loser?
Is it constant or does it matter who you are?
I think food poisoning will cure constipation.
Yes, I wait a week and then come back with that.
On the topic of brokenness, you need to understand whether it's better to fix it or get rid of it entirely. More on this later.
The question that eventually arose from this thought is whether you'd want everything to get harder for you or easier for you.
Harder keeps you going because you know there's going to be a greater challenge out there for when you get better. Motivation. On the other hand, things are always going to just get harder.
Easier is easier because it's, well, easier. But then you have the lack of motivation to actually do anything. It's been done, or it's been done better.
While pondering that, I recommend ice cream.
So I said "woot" in class the other day.
The teacher was like "WTF?" and I was all "nm....sry."
Okay, that second part didn't happen, but the curiosity is how a written language has affected my speaking.
I suppose you read by talking in your head, but it still seems odd to me.