Rumbles and fumbles.
Okay, yeah. I learned (kinda) how to upload a picture as a post. The method I used only seems to work with JPEGs, and only some of my JPEGs as well. Oh well. I need to learn how to get a pic for my profile.I don't really know how much time I'm gonna have to mess around with the template on this thing. All I've done so far is make the headers for my posts bigger. Oh, and I made the "vim quietude" at the top of the page bigger too, in case you had trouble seeing it. Later on today I will change all the links.
Some quick notes. I like how every post I write says "posted by Smack Dave" on it, as if someone else is gonna post on here. Wait, is that possible? Can I invite people to do that? Would anyone care or notice? I'd imagine this blog would be really easy to hack for anyone who knows their stuff.
I also find it interesting that I can edit the time and date of my posts as I'm posting them. If I want to, I can submit posts from the future or even the distant past. Well, they don't let me write in the date, so there goes my post from 355 BME or B.C. I'm gonna send this from 1990 (the earliest I can go) and see where the website puts this post.
I think I'm going to stick with this graphic design. I really don't know where those pictures are from, but there's a statue in one of them and statue = culture. It goes well with "quietude," I'd say.