Monday, April 24, 2006

Gay sex is a sin?

I don't think I'll ever be able to fully understand the hatred against gay people.

I mean, okay. You think gay sex is a sin. But there isn't anything in the Bible about gay sex being a sin, as far as I know. But I also hear that all sex is a sin, at least out of wedlock. So banning gay marriage is forcing people to sin. That isn't nice!

And why don't people let God do things for himself? If people keep doing things for him, he's going to get lazy.

Finally, the holiest of holy people is (as far as I can tell) expected to abstain from sex. Apparently there used to be married Popes, but not anymore. Anyway, what if the Pope were the gayest one of all? It wouldn't matter in the slightest, would it?

And no jokes about how the Pope might be gay because of that hat and the weird little car and other things like that. Show some class, people!

(And does the Pope really need a bulletproof car? I mean, gosh!)


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