Thursday, January 05, 2006

Keeng Kong

As promised (two weekends ago) I will talk about everything I found amusing about the movie King Kong.

The best part about being so lazy in getting to it is that everyone who wanted to see the movie probably has done so by now. If you haven't and are still going to, you should have seen it by now. Seriously. Get off your lazy or seriously overworked butt.

By the way, I have not seen the original version of the movie. Apparently stuff like Kong shaking everyone off the log/tree was in there kind of as a homage to the original. I also shouldn't use words like 'homage' without looking them up first, but this time I made an exception.

So, to start, apparently King Kong is bulletproof, unless the bullet is fired out of a plane. That black guy unloaded a full clip or two at KK, and big Kong seemed to suffer no effects at all. Granted, that gun probably wouldn't drop him or anything, but still...

Why were there like 5 killer bugs on Adrian Brody, but 0 killer bugs on the kid that eventually gets the machine gun to shoot them off of AB? Not to mention that kid is a crack shot with zero training, but everyone probably noticed that one.

Why would a dinosaur eating two tons of dinosaur meat give that up to chase a 90-pound human female?

How did they get Kong off the island? There were only like 8 of them left.

Why did they go back for the woman? They just escaped a tribe of killer natives. What would make them think that they didn't kill her?

Why would anyone start having doubts about rescuing the girl halfway along the path? What the hell were they expecting when they started?

Why are there no other Kongs on the island? Assuming he's been there for a while, shouldn't the other animals be afraid of him by now? And what exactly does he eat?

I know Kong breaks free from his chains in the theatre, but how does he get them off his wrists? Movie magic?

Favorite moment: Adrian Brody pushes his way past several armed forces to enter the Empire State Building. When he gets inside, not only is there an old doorman in there, which is funny in itself, but the old doorman actually TRIES TO STOP HIM. He must think he has some authority as a doorman.

Second favorite moment: I know it's really dumb, but hey, it's just a movie. When Jack Black and company are running in the middle of a Brontosaurus stampede, I loved the part when Jack Black busted out a flying kick to the raptor's head.

I would have been fine with King Kong if it weren't so crazy long. I know it's a movie, so it doesn't have to be realistic or anything, but if you're not going to be realistic then don't try to take yourself seriously. Cut out every moment with overbearing music that's supposed to be 'touching' or 'meaningful' (like Heart of Darkness. WTF was that all about?) and that'll save about an hour of restless audience. Now your movie is good.


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